Grow Your Business Faster

You have a dream of helping people, making a difference, and having a greater impact.

Yet you are unsure how to integrate your purpose with your business, attract more ideal customers and market your business in a compelling way so people want to buy from you.

Brand GuideStar™ is a step-by-step program that takes you and your business to a new level. Create your dream business, be a remarkable brand, and have a greater impact for your clients, employees, community and the world.

It’s in these early stages of your business when it is critical to be in alignment with your business at a deeper level. 

More than 65% of businesses fail within the first 3 to 5 years of operation. Research shows this is due to 5 key things:

  1. Not having a clear vision 
  2. Not having a clear differentiation from competitors
  3. Not knowing how to tell a compelling story for why someone should buy from them
  4. Not leading their business effectively
  5. Not leveraging a business model with multiple revenue streams

The purpose of the Brand GuideStar program is to guide you through one of the most complex and most critical aspects of your business. 

Marketing and branding get complicated quickly when you look at it from the broader experiential and energetic viewpoint, and that can determine the success or failure of your business. That is why we created the Brand GuideStar program – to help you navigate these complex and critical aspects of your business.


  • Getting clear on your vision, allowing you to take action with conviction
  • Knowing what makes your business unique, distinctive and attractive to your customer
  • Knowing how to create value so customers are willing to pay more 
  • Driving your business with a purpose, inspiring and motivating people to take action
  • Creating opportunities that effectively grow your business beyond what you thought possible

The Brand GuideStar program is an amazing experience and exists to empower you to take your business to a new level, to create your dream business, be a remarkable brand, and have a greater impact to your clients, employees, community and the world. 

Brand GuideStar is a step-by-step program to guide you on your journey to Be Remarkable!

Brand GuideStar 

1)  Impact Framework — In the first week, we create the foundation for your purpose-driven business. The five lessons explore:

  • Eight brand characteristics to Be Remarkable!
  • Align your beliefs, purpose and vision
  • Ignite the life-force for your business
  • Create a brand vision that impacts every aspect of your business 

2)  Customer Guidebook — In the second week, we create relationships that generate revenue and move your business forward. The five lessons explore:

  • Customer relationship opportunities
  • Understand your customer at a deeper level
  • Know what drives your customer to buy from you
  • Develop your story framework to engage customers

3)  Marketing Playbook — In the third week, we take action for your greater impact. The five lessons explore:

  • Engagement opportunities to grow your business
  • Develop your marketing strategy
  • Develop your content strategy
  • Create your action plan to Be Remarkable!

We will dive deep into each brand characteristic and create a clear vision for each. We will then create one holistic, clearly defined Brand GuideStar vision, forming the pivotal foundation for your greater impact and brand life-force. We'll leverage your Brand GuideStar to align your brand and messaging with your ideal customer, map out your marketing plan and create action steps to build and grow your business, and your greater impact.

As you go through the Brand GuideStar process, you will have ideas, thoughts, examples, insights, photos and inspiring quotes that you will want to capture in your workbook. Each week and each lesson builds on the one before it and is foundational to ones that follow.

By doing this deep exploration, you create your business foundation from the inside out. You develop a conscious approach and mindset for your brand that impacts every aspect of your business, enabling you to grow your business beyond what you thought possible and to have a greater impact on the world.


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  Brand GuideStar_What You Get.pdf

Your Brand GuideStar is unique to you, and it's going to be different for every single person. So, if you have business partners, you all need to get on the same page. Do this program together, share, co-create, discover what you did not know. It is essential that you are all in alignment with your vision, otherwise you dilute your brand life-force and limit the impact you can have together.

This is the time to really connect with your purpose and why you do what you do and immerse it within your business so you can act authentically each day. You’ll see that earning lots of money is a good thing because it allows you to have a greater impact for more people.

You’ll see you are unique, and that people want what you have to offer. You have an inherent ability to be remarkable, it just needs to be unleashed.

Alan Wallner

Brand GuideStar Instructor

Alan Wallner is the president and visionary of Conscious Branding. When his middle child told him she was transgender, Alan had to deal with a lot of emotions and work to figure out what that meant for his daughter, himself and his family. This journey helped Alan to understand a different way of looking at the world and a different way of seeing people. 

As a result, he realized that branding isn’t about physical attributes anymore. It’s about the inner presence of a person and of the team that creates the brand of a business – it’s the way we treat other people and work together to create something remarkable. 

This is what we call Conscious Branding. It literally has changed how Conscious Branding works with companies, builds brands and aligns a greater purpose with beliefs, vision and action as the essence of the brand.

Small Business Owners Like You are THRIVING!

“Conscious Branding helped me navigate the complexities of my brand image and message through a lot of soul-searching and a visionary process, I am so grateful and excited for my new brand.”

Rucsandra Mitrea

Vital Directives —

“The process Conscious Branding took us through has allowed us to get our brand and messaging focused and clear. We understand what truly makes us unique and different and who we can do that for with success. We experience the value of being consistent and being able to confidently go out in the world and be our brand.”

Steve Kenny

SRK Pool Services —

“Conscious Branding is truly amazing, they listened to our needs and in a very short month was able to formulate in words and branding what we had been trying to do for more than a year. I can’t recommend this enough! Not only does Conscious Branding excel at what they do, but they are also one of the biggest givers to entrepreneurs like me both in time and in wisdom. Huge thanks to the team!”

Stephanie Courtillier

Integrous Women —


Brand GuideStar 

Impact Framework ($15,000 value)

Customer Guidebook ($12,000 value)

Marketing Playbook ($15,000 value)

Interactive Coaching Sessions ($3000 value)

Total Value: $45,000

Cost: $4,999

Introductory offer: $2,199 
(Cost savings of $2,800)


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The Miracle Morning by Hal Elrod